Heads-UP #14: From Kit-Kats to Sharks Blinking

We’re here again for our 14th edition of Heads-UP and, nearly, our fantastic, brilliant and utter wonderful strategic planner Bill’s 24th birthday tomorrow. He may or may not write these blog posts (he does). So welcome back to #factfriday and thank you for taking a few minutes out your day to find out the most interesting things the RE-UP team has learnt this week. Oh, and don’t forget to wish me… I mean Bill, a happy birthday!

  • Perpetual calendars within watches are set to work until 2100, when the leap year is ignore. However, some newer editions take this into account and won’t need to be adjusted until the year
    2400 – Bill

  • In the UK there is a limit of 12 minutes of TV ads per one hour, representing one of the strictest sets of legislation in Europe. USA? They’re a different story with around a quarter of all programming being ads. – Krish
  • A shark is the only fish that can blink with both eyes. – Marco
Turns out they have a lot of Kit Kat choices in Japan… source: https://hungrycuriouscat.wordpress.com
  • In Japan, they give students a Kit-Kat before exams as it’s supposed to give them luck – Laurent
  • In the U.K., there are twice as many smartphone users than cigarette smokers. – Andrea
  • The Spanish national anthem has no words. – Myriam

  • Lemons contain more sugar than strawberries – Fannie
  • Intelligent people have more zinc and copper in their hair – Laura