Heads-UP #13: From The NeverEnding Story to London Tube Prices

It’s that time again folks, this week’s #factfriday is an interesting one… and it includes The NeverEnding Story. We all love The NeverEnding Story. Check out what the RE-UP team learnt last week:

  • Contrary to popular belief Artax (the horse in The Neverending Story) didn’t die on set. The horse was actually gifted to actor Noah Hathaway, who played Atreyu in the film – Bill
    Warning: Tears imminent

  • The Museum of Endangered Sounds exists to allow streaming of once popular technological sounds. ie. the dial-up tone, ICQ chat tone, Windows 95 startup. – Laura

  • Putting it in comparison, the research found that this London transport ticket is four times the cost of a comparable fare in Paris, three times more than New York, and ten times more expensive than Moscow. – Fannie
  • This comes as no surprise, but still interesting! 90% of Instagram users are younger than 35. – Krish
  • 80% of all Pinterest pins are actually repins. – Andrea
  • Lucile: I found this very cool social media infographic, which gives a load of interesting facts!
    Key info:
    The region with the highest social media penetration rate is North America (57%) followed by South America (59%) and East Asia (57%)
    Instagram is mostly used by women (64%), while LinkedIn is in majority used by men (56%)
    58% of Facebook users are above 18 years old vs. only 19% on Twitter.
    39,757 years are collectively spent on Facebook in a single day by its active users
    Every second, 8,796 pictures are shared on Snapchat
    Most popular pages: Coca Cola on Facebook, Chanel on Twitter, Lego on YouTube and Instagram
  • Marco: Peanuts are one of the ingredients of dynamite. BOOM!
  • Laurent: Dutch police cars are “equipped” with a teddy bear, in case something troubling happens to a child